
Welcome to my cooking blog, for regular mommys all over

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

salad and pizza

Everyone probably thinks we don't eat anymore!  (never mind, all you have to do is look at our "healthy" figures...)
We had pizza last night.  All the kids were sick so they were home all day and I didn't feel like cooking.  Bernatellos cracker crisp 4 meat pizza.  We also had a HUGE salad with it, and that was the star of my supper.  Baby greens, grape tomatoes, bacon bits, olives, and feta.  With olive oil and balsamic vinegar.
I LOVE a salad, it's so good, don't you think????

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Little Chocolate Devils

Little Chocolate Devils
These were a treat I made for superbowl 2011. Thanks for the picture, Lynz!