
Welcome to my cooking blog, for regular mommys all over

Friday, June 29, 2012

The best tuna ever!

I put my creative juices together in my brain today.  I was sooo hungry at night since I didn't have a big supper, so I got a pouch of tuna out, the albacore white kind, and put it in a bowl with coleslaw mix, a chopped tomato, fresh shredded parmesan, chives, salt, pepper, a splash of vinegar, little bit of olive oil, quarter of a lemon of juice, chili powder, garlic powder, and fresh chopped cilantro.
I guess I love tuna now!  With all those flavors it doesn't even taste like tuna.  I guess what I hate about tuna is the tuna itself.  I'm not a fan of fishy fish so much.
Try it in a grilled corn tortilla or with Tostitos Lime and Salt thins.

SO GOOD...and good for you.

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Little Chocolate Devils

Little Chocolate Devils
These were a treat I made for superbowl 2011. Thanks for the picture, Lynz!